Monday, February 23, 2009

Basket full of books, books and more books

Cutie, Tiger, Little Guy and I have been making many trips to the library these past couple of weeks. I can't seem to have enough books around for them! We even have books on tape in the car! It is so nice to get somewhere and hear the kids say, "Mom, wait! We want to hear what happens before we go in!" I feel it is so important to fill your children's mind with language at a young age.

Here is a great tip from the book "A Well Trained Mind." Take a basket with you to the library. Allow your child (ren) to fill the basket with all kinds of books...then pick a few for them that have to do with art, science and history. (if you have older kids, they can do this themselves) Did you know that you can check out 30 picture books at a time!

Here is another tip from my wonderful friend, Chrissie:
Clip a reminder card to your basket so you know when your books are due! Then you don't have to pay all the late fees! Or wonder when your books are actually due!

One more tip from me:
If you don't feel like you can read to your child every night, rent some books on tape and pop one in after you kiss them goodnight! I do this about once a week!

Happy Reading!


Blake and Hollie said...

What a great idea. I would have never thought of it on my own. Thanks for the tips :)