Saturday, December 20, 2008

Does it Get Better Than this???

I just want to say how thrilled I am that I have two weeks off from work to spend with my wonderful kids. I look forward to every minute with them! How refreshing it is to not have to wake any kids up in the am, no packing lunches, no time commitments, no hurried breakfasts eaten in the car on the way to school, NO STRESS! Just us...being lazy and having fun enjoying one another.

Financial times seem to be hitting us all pretty hard right now. It is easy at times, to start to stress about things that are really not in our control. When I start to feel my thoughts drifting to the economy, I stop and begin to count my blessings. Thanking God for all the wonderful things has provided for me. I am so thankful to know a loving who knows all my needs and will take care of everything. I have a wonderful hubby and three precious children. We live in a nice house, have cars to get us where we need to go. There is always food on the table and a warm bed to snuggle into at night. We have amazing in a beautiful climate...really, Does It Get Any Better Than This? We are truly blessed!


Blake and Hollie said...

That was really nice. I get stressed out over the silliest things. We were taking pictures yesterday and the kids weren't posing right and I was getting upset (yes, silly !!!), but I was stressed.

School break started here now too and I am SOOOO glad we can just relax. It is 1030 am and the kids are still in bed sleeping :) I hope you enjoy your time too. Love you

P.S. Thanks for reminding me this is a none stress time and you are right.....It doesn't get better than this :)

Jen S said...

Amen, sister!