Thursday, October 23, 2008

Sixth File, Sixth Picture

I copied this idea from Chrissie! You are suppose to look at the sixth picture in your sixth file. Oh my goodness! My two oldest kids look like they are the age of Little Guy in this picture! We took this picture at Legoland a few months after we moved here. This makes me a little sad to see how much my sweet babies have grown up! Life is short! Cherish every moment with your little ones!


Cathi Hamen said...

oh soo cute!! i thought that was a cute idea too... havent checked out what the 6th file 6th picture is yet! hmmmmm
hope all moving "stuff" is going smoothly!

Shan said...

So cute - they really do grow up so fast - but isn't funny how the baby will always seem to be the baby????

Monique said...

Cute pic! They look exactly the same only younger!

Blake and Hollie said...

Oh, so cute! They do look so little. What did Little Guy look like when that picture was taken? He must have been REALLY little too.

A Farmer's Wife said...

SO CUTE!!! Time really does fly right on by!!!